Recent Special Events
s part of our celebrations of Creation Season, and soon after the feast day of St Francis, Christ Church had a blessing of the animals – both in person and at distance, via photographs.
Here we see 4 dogs, Jasper, Ezekiel, Uriel, Amenadiel, photos of Quince and Sherry, the cats, hedgehogs, tortoises, cat and terrapin, and rats and a hamster. A fine selection of creatures.
Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures.
You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air, and animals on the land.
You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters.
We ask you to bless these pets.
By the power of your love, enable them to live according to your plan.
May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures!
First “Wing it Sunday” after Easter
Centennial Celebration Trinity Cathedral Paris
Restos du Coeur Service 2023
A group of CCCF parishioners recently assisted the ‘collecte’, the food collection for Restos du Coeur, gathering food donations at various supermarkets throughout the Clermont area.
Thanks to the generosity of Carolyn, we had a marvellous pot luck winter supper on 25 February. It was lovely to have more time to gather as a congregation- even the cat joined in – well he slept through most of the evening
70+ Women, Children, and Men came together to celebrate and give Thanks for all we have received this year and in our lifetimes. The new canteen in Massillon School provided a perfect location to enjoy a traditional feast, perfectly prepared by our French Chef! Families brought amazing deserts and shared them with our happy throng. Our first silent Auction raised over 800 euros! Thank you one and all!
The Convocation of Episcopal churches in Europe converged on Clermont-Ferrand and Christ-Church for 4 glorious days between October 27th and the 30th. Bishops, Clergy and lay leaders gathered to pray, preach and teach. It was majesty in the service of our Lord and His refugee population. Now the hard work begins to put the words into action. If you have a heart for refugee’s contact our vestry to learn how you can help.
Blessing of the Animals! Bishop Marc lead a lively service on Sunday, October 1st for mans and womans best friends! Sadie and Jasper were in attendance and we had a full altar of virtual pets receiving his blessing. It was a wonderful celebration of God’s creation. Thank you to everyone who brought a photo or pet!
June 4th, 2022 “Concert for Ukrainian refugees living in Clermont “
24 April- Presided by Archdeacon Walter Baer and farewell to Debbi and Pete Stevenson
A very beautiful sermon and farewell to two of Christ Church’s most amazing and dedicated family. They received a special tribute from the bishop and everyone had a word to say about our beloved friends. They will be missed.
Easter Sunday: last service with Susan as priest in charge etc….and farewell
Joint Good Friday Service with Eglise Protestante Unie:
Palm Sunday 2022
Palm Sunday was celebrated in lovely spring weather including a procession of song and palms around the church. Our sermon was presided by the Rev. Lucinda Laird who reminded us that we often arrive in a “present” where personal challenge and tragedy remind us that it is easy to cross into Faith but more difficult to remain.
Bishop Mark Visit, February 6th, 2022
Bishop Mark Edington, the Bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, with his wife Judy, visited our beautiful corner of France on 6 th January to lead us in worship. Our resident priest, the Rev Dr Susan Carter was away on her annual leave and Bishop Mark’s visit allowed us the opportunity to have a Eucharist service. He reminded us in his sermon
that we should ‘go and fish for followers of the gospel, …. and to seek out people to join us on this journey of faith’. The text of his full sermon can be found on our weekly messagepage or you can listen to him in person on the Convocation website at the following link:
We were blessed to be able to share much fellowship time with Bishop Mark and Judy at a finger food lunch in the church after the service – covid friendly of course.
Baptised: Arman Durand, aged 2, January 9th 2022
whole congregation, he played the most wonderful music throughout.
Christmas Carol Service, Dec 15th 2019
Episcopal Youth Event (EYE)
This last Sunday 18th August, Caitlin Mahoney gave a talk on her EYE experience (Episcopal Youth Event) and her future involvement in EYE 2020
In Caitlin’s words – “As some of you know, I have been lucky enough to be asked to serve on the Planning Team for next year’s Episcopal Youth Event, or EYE, in America. Like me some of you would have been involved in hosting Youth across Europe, YAE and Juniors Across Europe JAE here in Clermont Ferrand, well EYE is a much bigger version. I would just like to explain a little about my experience of EYE and my continued involvement” More details here: EYE Christ church short talk
Welcome Back Picnic at Parc Monjuzet, 1st Sept 2019
Church Picnic, June 23rd, 2019
The annual church picnic was a great success and, this year for the first time, was held in Parc Bargoin in Chamalieres. We shared food, played games with the children and generally had a relaxing, fun time.
Pentecost Sunday, June 9th 2019
Christ Church Congregation celebrated Pentecost (Whitsunday) wearing red, symbolizing Joy & the Fire of the Holy Spirit!!
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