Contact and Locate Us

Google Map to the Chapel

Find Us: 

Our Chapel is located in the spa town of Royat, a 10 minute bus ride from the centre of Clermont Ferrand. The google map link and the bus information herein can help you find us, whether you  are travelling by car, bus or on foot. 

By Bus:

Take Line B direction Royat. Jump off at the all but last stop “Thermes”. The street on which you walk is called “Avenue de Royat”. Walk uphill and follow the Boulvard Vasquez on your right. This road will bend sharply to the right becoming the Boulvard du Dr. Barrieu. Walk uphill for 5 more minutes and you will see the Post office on your left. Our chapel is located just behind this Post office, indicated by the sign: “Temple”.

Contact Us:

For general matters or pastoral emergencies (at any time),  please email us at

General correspondence can be sent to our office at :

Christ Church
I bis, Avenue Jean Heitz, 63130 Royat, France

You can also reach us on Facebook !

We look forward to hearing from you!